You just cannot find a cuter family in the District... baby M was all smiles and giggles, and Mom and Dad cannot get enough of her!! In the gorgeous District of Columbia, one day after the Floods of 2011, where we were all holed inside for roughly a week, the sun finally came out for us. The memorial was stoic, the gentle breeze was blowing, and though the grass was all wet and tourist groups stopped their pictures to watch our shoot, this was a blast. Enjoy the peek!
Oh no! I can't believe the entire summer has passed me by, and I have not updated my photo blog with any of the family, maternity, or newborn shoots that I have done. Blame it on the rain. Or, the hurricane. Or, the earthquake. But please don't blame it on vacation.
Let's start with the most recent, and I'll try to resume where I can! This beautiful family is so full of love you cannot help but feel it come off the screen as you view the lovely images. We had so much fun, laughing and playing.. you hardly knew it was a photo shoot at all. (:
Last published on January 17, 2011?! What? Has anyone told this photographer to update her blog more often?! Ok, all joking aside, it has been a personal whirlwind in our house since the early part of March, when we began the process of buying another home! Suffice it to say, there hasn't been a whole lot of "extra" time lately. But anyone with any amount of children could tell you that!
"Say, even Jane could think of that." (Dr. Suess)
With that, I promise to update soon.. and with a vengeance. There are some darling, darling shots of adorable brand-newborns that I'm bursting to share. For now, check out the updated gallery with just a smattering:
When I started shooting portrait sessions last Fall, I really had no idea how much education I would receive from my subjects themselves. I was thinking about light, and best lighting conditions. I was thinking about the color of grass against gorgeous blue skies and oranges and reds of October in Northern Virginia. I was thinking of aperture settings and depth of field, and what sweater I should wear to lay on my belly.
What didn't dawn on me then was how much I would just enjoy... being part of that moment. And shooting the H family (now that I finally catch up on Part II!) made me realize just that.
Life is so very busy, for everyone. But especially for parents of an almost-2 year old and her adorable baby sister who never stop moving! When we took the time to capture these photos, we just enjoyed.. the moment. We'd shoot a bit, then stop and chat and wonder at how quickly time passes when they're just so.. little. The best part was getting to be silly. Dad making them laugh. He had this incredible way of getting both girls to dissolve into giggles, just by being Daddy. Scheduled laughter time! How can you beat that?!
And with that, part II of an inspiring, gorgeous and enjoyable shoot!
This shoot was so great, so rich and full of life and laughter, that I have to post it in two parts.. one in the lavender bows and one in the pink. We'll start with the laughter....and the lavender.
The leaves were still on the ground, so we started having fun throwing them around;
(This was actually before we started; she was sitting on the couch just hangin' out! Happy as a ... baby!)
This family is so adorable, and Mom and Dad are so in love with these two beautiful girls! Hope you enjoy the first peek!